Unlock Guides


The Basic

New to Unlock? Learn tips & tricks to get your started.

How to Show Proof of Attendance with Unlock Protocol

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) can be used as a mechanism to prove that the person holding the NFT attended a specific conference, community event or participated in a community in some other way at a particular time and/or place. When used in this way, they are referred to as “Attendance NFTs.”

How To Airdrop NFTs by Email

Unlock lets you airdrop NFTs by email — even if the recipient doesn’t have a crypto wallet. This guide shows you how.

Locksmith Lingo

Welcome, Locksmith! Let’s learn a few common terms you’ll see across the Unlock ecosystem.

How To Use Blockchain Explorers with Unlock Protocol

One of the most critical aspects of web3 is that it decouples the “data and application” from front ends and user interfaces. For example, you can interact with Unlock Protocol smart contracts using blockchain explorers, in addition to the Unlock Dashboard.

Using a Custom Currency

Subscriptions, memberships, and event tickets created using Unlock Protocol can be priced in any currency that supports the ERC-20 token specification. This means that any

Recurring Subscriptions

Automatically recurring subscriptions reduce friction for your members, and can reduce churn and increase overall revenue.

Organizing a vote by members

Unlock memberships are represented as NFT (using the ERC721 standard) which means they’re compatible with any tool which can leverage NFT, including the Snapshot governance application!

Customizing Locks on OpenSea

OpenSea is a large NFT marketplace. It is fairly centralized but will accept your locks and could even render them nicely if you follow the steps below!

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Selling & Distributing

From selling your lock to managing the membership and other payment tips.

Plugins & Integrations

Easily integrate Unlock with many different existing platforms and software.