
WebSub is a W3C protocol that provides a common mechanism for communication between publishers of any kind of Web content and their subscribers, based on HTTP web hooks.

By Julien Genestoux on

As developers integrate the Unlock Protocol in their applications, we are getting many feature requests to add APIs and tools that would make their lives easier.


Today, we're excited to announce our WebSub endpoints!

WebSub is a W3C protocol that provides a common mechanism for communication between publishers of any kind of Web content and their subscribers, based on HTTP web hooks.

This is a very powerful mechanism to enable Publish/Subscribe on any kind of HTTP resource! We added this as a way for applications to subscribe to changes in the Unlock: applications can get notified when new locks are deployed or when new keys are created.

Our team used this new API in order to create a Discord bot that notifies us when a new lock has been deployed or when a new key has been purchased.

We'd love to see how your application ends up using that new capabilities!