Discount Codes

Whether you are organizing events, selling subscriptions to your content, or running a knitting club, sometimes, you want to provide discounts to your most loyal customers. You can do that with your lock smart contract.

By Julien Genestoux on

We now have a great UI for Promo Code management!

We're starting this year like we finished the previous one: 🚀 by shipping cool features. Today, we're introducing a new type of purchase hook: the discount hook! Whether you are organizing events, selling subscriptions to your content, or running a knitting club, sometimes, you want to provide discounts to your most loyal customers.

Since an example is worth a thousand words, here is one. Here is a membership that costs 0.01 Goerli Eth. If you go through the whole checkout, you will find a new screen that lets you enter a promo code! Try FRIENDS for a 50% discount, or FAMILY for a 100% discount!

enter coupon

Of course, this is "safe" and evesdropping on the transaction from a block explorer will not let someone guess promo codes. Like always, we published the source code on Github along with detailed explainations on how to set this up for your own lock contract.